Thursday, December 31, 2009

My feelings.....

(not the owner of the image)

When I first received the letter that confirms my posting to SST,
I felt a surge of happiness like the flowers blooming in the picture
as I was very interested in Science and technology and finally have
the chance to study in the school and learn about things like Biotechnology.
Followed by a very relaxed feeling,as i was confirmed by the school of science
and technology, Singapore like clouds drifting in the sky.

I chose this picture to represent my feelings as it gives me a very refreshing and fresh feeling
about the things I will be doing in SST.The mountains in the picture represents my hope and enthusiasm for SST.The trees and grass represents my interest to the school,programmes and subjects taught by the teachers in the school unlike any other secondary schools in Singapore.The entire picture represents my LOVE for the school being a nature lover.

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